I don't have much use for Ron Paul or the whole Ayn Rand schtick that seems to have infested Republican politics, but Ron's little boy Rand seems determined to define "new low" on the Senate floor. Here, he glibly refutes the idea that spending money on a Government aide program to feed impoverished senior citizens would actually save money. Which it would, because it would keep the seniors out of emergency rooms and/or expensive nursing homes.
Of course, Paul doesn't actually refute anything... his reflexive lizard brain hears "spending" and regardless of the positive fiscal impact, that just means "bad." It's not so much the brainless argument as it is the smug, dismissive, "I'm smarter than you" arrogance with which it is imparted.
Rand Paul is one of those frighteningly stupid men, like Bill Kristol and other, who assume that being born to money and power (son of a Senator, son of a powerful press baron) had nothing to do with their rise to power. And that those who haven't attained their level of success are simply simpering weaklings who deserve what they get. A country filled with these monsters would be like some Mad Max dystopia... but as long as the Pauls of the world hold on to their piece of the pie, all is well. I can only imagine (in a horror movie way) the freakish upbringing that could have produced such a compassionless, empty sock-puppet of a human being....
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