Sunday, April 17, 2011


So the tragically misunderstood Republican budget hawks got their noses out of joint when President Obama actually took issue with their plan to destroy Medicare and give more tax breaks to the rich.  As others have noted, what did the Rethuglicans (oops, don't cry boys!) expect?  Hearty handshakes and congratulations?  "Democrats are done, boys, we've seen the light.  Go ahead and dismantle the social compact and pass the savings on to your biggest contributors."

But it's not the absurdity of their whining that rankles me the most.  It's the on-going crybaby attitude adopted by the Repunklicans whenever someone dares question their policies or politicians.  It's always "unfair", a slap in the face, a complete disregard for civility and social norms.  This from the great thinkers who routinely send out racist e-mails and question Obama's citizenship.  Who cry foul at the "liberal mainstream media" (which isn't liberal and is barely  mainstream anymore) when bloated bigot Rush Limbaugh spews hours of lying bilge a day and Fox News is a 24 hour Orwellian nightmare.  Who cling to the victim card like a drowning man grabbing a life preserver away from a child whenever anyone dares question one of their crazy to crazier positions...

The only ray of light in this otherwise endless orgy of right wing hypocrisy is that they're mostly too stupid to realize when they're going too far.  Trapped like Brooks Brothers rats by their yahoo, "get your Government hands off my Medicare" tea-party brethren, Republican representatives don't stop with the bath-water, they're tossing out the baby, the tub, and three quarters of the furniture.  And it's gonna come back to haunt them come 2012...

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