Thursday, May 5, 2011

So Much "Compassion", So Little Time

Couldn't get President Obama on the "not an American citizen" gambit, so let's go after his parents.  Is there a more hateful, publicity seeking freak on the fringe than Pamela Geller?

Writer Neil Gaiman is asked to speak at a library and is paid a fee (which he donates to charity) for his efforts.  A Republican Congressman from Minnesota who doesn't like Gaiman is outraged, calls him names ("pencil-necked little weasel") and asserts he's a "thief."  Wow, I guess this douche really didn't enjoy "Sandman."

Hateful crew of Fox yakkers (angry because they've been relegated to the Fox business channel that no one watches) chuckle it up thinking about who they'd like to waterboard, with the potential victims ranging from President Obama to Rachel Maddow.

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