Aside from the utter inanity of the notion that old newspaper clippings were planted (they were actually submitted by the Hawaiian hospital where Obama was born) and the entire Hawaiian Government is involved in some massive conspiratorial cover-up to hide the idea that a Kenyan baby was spirited into America n 1961 for nefarious purposes...
Let's say it's all true. Barack Obama was born in Kenya and rushed to Hawaii as an infant, where he was raised by an American mother in American school. Okay, there's a line in the constitution about the President being a natural born citizen, and we all know how the birthers, many of whom are also Tenthers who believe the States should ignore Federal laws, are sticklers for the letter of the law.
But what exactly are they saying? That even though someone was raised in America from (hypothetically) Day 2, they bring with them from the mother-land some genetic component that will spring Manchurian Candidate style into diabolical fruition? Even assuming the worst about President Obama, what exactly would be the grievous harm?
It seems the blithering stupidity of the birther movement is only surpassed by the sheer ridiculousness of their overwrought concerns.
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