Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today's Compassion

So what's going on in the world of the compassionate conservative?  Well, just today, it appears that they are ready to shut down the Government rather than accept the "compromise" that the remarkably compliant (read "cowardly") Democrats offered, giving the Republicans everything they originally wanted.  That went so well, the goalposts were moved out even further. 

Meanwhile, Rep. Paul Ryan has unveiled a budget plan that would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the lower and middle class, and lower the tax rate on the wealthy to 25%.  This welfare-for-the-rich boondoggle is being framed by the beltway punditcracy as "courageous."

I think we have reached a turning point in this nation, and not in a good way.  Republicans understand that they will take a hit in the polls if the Government shuts down.  The difference between now and 1995 is, they don't care.  As in, they really don't care.  The Republicans and their beltway friends all understand that regardless of public opinion, they will be taken care of by their billionaire masters.  Meaning there is no longer any personal downside to wrecking the system. 

So wreck it they will, this miserable coterie of rich, white, conservative men.  And the sad, Fox addicted children who voted for them will be stunned when this disaster actually effects them.    


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