Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wisconsin Hijinx

So a conservative, incumbent Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, considered a shoo-in just a few weeks ago, is (barely) beaten by his less conservative opponent.   Is this because --

A): The conservative justice raised hackles when it was revealed he called another (female) member of the court "a bitch", then blamed her for forcing him to resort to that language?

B): The conservative justice aligned himself with new Governor (and incredible dickweed) Scott Walker, whose own popularity plummeted when he went into terminal GOP overreach against Wisconsin's public employees unions?

Or shall we go with freshly minted the Republican talking points:

Obvious voter fraud (per right wing weasel John Fund)?

And/or, the wrong people voted.  Gov. Walker noted that many votes from the liberal justice came from the more liberal Madison area.  His point being, I guess, that if the people in his State that he doesn't like hadn't voted, his guy would have won.  To quote the Sundance Kid, "you just keep thinkin', Butch, that's what you're good at."

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