So the Kansas legislature has come up with a set of onerous regulations intended to shut down abortion providers in their State. The same right wing that rails against Government regulation seems to have no problem troweling on the regs when it serves their woman's-health-hating agenda.
Oh well. As punishment, these corrupt Neanderthals have to actually live in Kansas...
Intellectual discussion, careful examination of the issues from all sides and... no, scratch that, this is basically a forum where I can rant.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Rand Paul's Compassion
I don't have much use for Ron Paul or the whole Ayn Rand schtick that seems to have infested Republican politics, but Ron's little boy Rand seems determined to define "new low" on the Senate floor. Here, he glibly refutes the idea that spending money on a Government aide program to feed impoverished senior citizens would actually save money. Which it would, because it would keep the seniors out of emergency rooms and/or expensive nursing homes.
Of course, Paul doesn't actually refute anything... his reflexive lizard brain hears "spending" and regardless of the positive fiscal impact, that just means "bad." It's not so much the brainless argument as it is the smug, dismissive, "I'm smarter than you" arrogance with which it is imparted.
Rand Paul is one of those frighteningly stupid men, like Bill Kristol and other, who assume that being born to money and power (son of a Senator, son of a powerful press baron) had nothing to do with their rise to power. And that those who haven't attained their level of success are simply simpering weaklings who deserve what they get. A country filled with these monsters would be like some Mad Max dystopia... but as long as the Pauls of the world hold on to their piece of the pie, all is well. I can only imagine (in a horror movie way) the freakish upbringing that could have produced such a compassionless, empty sock-puppet of a human being....
Of course, Paul doesn't actually refute anything... his reflexive lizard brain hears "spending" and regardless of the positive fiscal impact, that just means "bad." It's not so much the brainless argument as it is the smug, dismissive, "I'm smarter than you" arrogance with which it is imparted.
Rand Paul is one of those frighteningly stupid men, like Bill Kristol and other, who assume that being born to money and power (son of a Senator, son of a powerful press baron) had nothing to do with their rise to power. And that those who haven't attained their level of success are simply simpering weaklings who deserve what they get. A country filled with these monsters would be like some Mad Max dystopia... but as long as the Pauls of the world hold on to their piece of the pie, all is well. I can only imagine (in a horror movie way) the freakish upbringing that could have produced such a compassionless, empty sock-puppet of a human being....
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Americans Are Coming, The Americans Are Coming
So Sarah Palin believes Paul Revere's ride was about putting a scare into the British (!). Huh? Singling out the stupid things this half-wit says would be a full time job, but this one is especially egregious...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Rand Paul Hates Free Speech
Alleged libertarian and all around dullard Rand Paul believes anyone who attends a "radical speech" should be imprisoned or deported. I say we start with everyone who went to a Rand Paul rally.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Let's Him And You Fight...
Nothing I enjoy more than watching a couple of right wing nasties tearing into one another, but this one is especially entertaining. Rick "google him" Santorum claims John "I'm old and bitter" McCain doesn't understand "enhanced interrogation" techniques. In other words, the guy who never served in the military is lecturing the guy who, like him or not, spent 5 1/2 year being tortured in a North Vietnamese prison camp -- on the workings of torture!
And I thought Trump and Gingrich had the corner on chutzpah!
And I thought Trump and Gingrich had the corner on chutzpah!
Just When You Think They Can't Go Lower...
Freakishly flat-affect and hopefully-in-a-year-recalled Gov. Scott Walker wants a constitutional ban against same sex couples having hospital visitation rights. Maybe he's afraid they'll pull a Newt and use the hospital visit to push for a divorce. Oh wait, same sex couples can't get married in this neaderthal's state either...
What's is wrong with these people? What sucked the compassion out of their DNA and replaced it with endless cynical political calculation?
What's is wrong with these people? What sucked the compassion out of their DNA and replaced it with endless cynical political calculation?
Monday, May 9, 2011
Keep 'Em Stupid, Ricky Santorum Edition
Loser ex-Senator Rick Santorum joins a host of other Republican nitwits calling for the end of public education. Makes sense, I guess, since the system clearly didn't work for them...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Cheerleader Hell
A 16 year old cheerleader in Texas says she was raped by a local high school basketball star. Basketball star pleads guilty to misdemeanor assault. Cheerleader refuses to cheer for accused rapist/convicted assaulter during a basketball game. School throws her off the cheerleading squad. She sues, the conservative fifth district court affirms right of the school to kick her off AND deems the suit frivolous, which means the cheerleader gets to pay $45000 in legal fees.
Fortunately, the Supreme Court was there to hear her case. I mean, oops. They declined to hear it. And so goes justice in Texas...
Fortunately, the Supreme Court was there to hear her case. I mean, oops. They declined to hear it. And so goes justice in Texas...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
So Much "Compassion", So Little Time
Couldn't get President Obama on the "not an American citizen" gambit, so let's go after his parents. Is there a more hateful, publicity seeking freak on the fringe than Pamela Geller?
Writer Neil Gaiman is asked to speak at a library and is paid a fee (which he donates to charity) for his efforts. A Republican Congressman from Minnesota who doesn't like Gaiman is outraged, calls him names ("pencil-necked little weasel") and asserts he's a "thief." Wow, I guess this douche really didn't enjoy "Sandman."
Hateful crew of Fox yakkers (angry because they've been relegated to the Fox business channel that no one watches) chuckle it up thinking about who they'd like to waterboard, with the potential victims ranging from President Obama to Rachel Maddow.
Writer Neil Gaiman is asked to speak at a library and is paid a fee (which he donates to charity) for his efforts. A Republican Congressman from Minnesota who doesn't like Gaiman is outraged, calls him names ("pencil-necked little weasel") and asserts he's a "thief." Wow, I guess this douche really didn't enjoy "Sandman."
Hateful crew of Fox yakkers (angry because they've been relegated to the Fox business channel that no one watches) chuckle it up thinking about who they'd like to waterboard, with the potential victims ranging from President Obama to Rachel Maddow.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Today's WTF Moment, John Stossel Edition
John Stossel of Fox News hosts a debate between Ron Paul and an Obama impersonator...
Wait. Seriously. Ron Paul debates an Obama impersonator.
Wait. Seriously. Ron Paul debates an Obama impersonator.
Michelle Bachman - The Gift That Keeps Giving
The Congresscritter with the crazy eyes compares taxation (currently at the lowest level compared to income in the U.S. since the 50's) to the Holocaust. I hear her dishwasher overflowed the other day and she said it was like another Katrina..
Speaking Of Rich Creeps...
Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg, worth between $6mil and $56 mil, tells constituents that he's struggling just like everyone else..
Yes, trying to decide whether to drive the Aston Martin or the Ferrari today can definitely put one in a pickle.
Yes, trying to decide whether to drive the Aston Martin or the Ferrari today can definitely put one in a pickle.
The Culture Of Me
The recent accession of Donald Trump in the Republican Presidential race is a sad joke that will come crashing down the instant he is confronted with any genuinely probing questions about his ridiculous past... did you know, for instance, that he once seriously proposed that Mike Tyson do "community service" in lieu of jail time for his rape conviction, said community service being to stage a couple of boxing matches at a Trump facility "for charity?"
His many failings aside, what intrigues me about Trump's recent foray is how it gives us a naked glimpse into the mindset of the rich (well, sometimes rich in Trump's case) and privileged. When you watch Trump congratulate himself for teasing the long form birth certificate out of the President of the United States, without a hint of shame at his role in diminishing the office, the man and our country, you're seeing the raw naked selfishness that propels many (but not all) men of wealth and power.
Simply put, it is all about them. They consider themselves surrounded by inferiors, incompetents and slackers who never made it to their lofty peak because of their own sloth. The fact that Trump and many of his wealthy compadres inherited their head-starts means nothing. These pampered aristocrats have convinced themselves that they are inherently "better," and so outside the social norms that most people observe. Hence the multiple marriages, the drugs, the unimaginable hubris, the ego. The ridiculous speeches and political positions are most likely a con, but the emptiness that propels a blowhard like Trump is not an act. It is the core of his empty soul, an arid place where the thought of doing something for the greater good is as ridiculous as a flower doing algebra.
There are wealthy people who understand that their fortunes, often gained from their own hard work but inevitably with the help of many others, is not evidence of some Godly status but instead a gift. One that demands humility and also an understanding that others who fail to rise to such heights are not inferior or flawed, but simply different. Trump and his ilk will never be this....
His many failings aside, what intrigues me about Trump's recent foray is how it gives us a naked glimpse into the mindset of the rich (well, sometimes rich in Trump's case) and privileged. When you watch Trump congratulate himself for teasing the long form birth certificate out of the President of the United States, without a hint of shame at his role in diminishing the office, the man and our country, you're seeing the raw naked selfishness that propels many (but not all) men of wealth and power.
Simply put, it is all about them. They consider themselves surrounded by inferiors, incompetents and slackers who never made it to their lofty peak because of their own sloth. The fact that Trump and many of his wealthy compadres inherited their head-starts means nothing. These pampered aristocrats have convinced themselves that they are inherently "better," and so outside the social norms that most people observe. Hence the multiple marriages, the drugs, the unimaginable hubris, the ego. The ridiculous speeches and political positions are most likely a con, but the emptiness that propels a blowhard like Trump is not an act. It is the core of his empty soul, an arid place where the thought of doing something for the greater good is as ridiculous as a flower doing algebra.
There are wealthy people who understand that their fortunes, often gained from their own hard work but inevitably with the help of many others, is not evidence of some Godly status but instead a gift. One that demands humility and also an understanding that others who fail to rise to such heights are not inferior or flawed, but simply different. Trump and his ilk will never be this....
Friday, April 29, 2011
Scratch a Tea Party Blowhard and...
Tea-party solider-man turned Florida Rep. Allen West (R for Really Crazy) likes to bark out homilies about integrity and honor when he's not accusing President Obama of being some diabolical socialist. But when a woman at one of his scripted Town Halls dares to ask a question he doesn't like, the cops take her away to the jeers of his neanderthal constituency. And so does "democrazy" work in West's sad little district.
When you build a movement on a house of in-bred cards, all it takes is a stiff breeze to send it flying...
When you build a movement on a house of in-bred cards, all it takes is a stiff breeze to send it flying...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
One More Thing, Birther Edition
Aside from the utter inanity of the notion that old newspaper clippings were planted (they were actually submitted by the Hawaiian hospital where Obama was born) and the entire Hawaiian Government is involved in some massive conspiratorial cover-up to hide the idea that a Kenyan baby was spirited into America n 1961 for nefarious purposes...
Let's say it's all true. Barack Obama was born in Kenya and rushed to Hawaii as an infant, where he was raised by an American mother in American school. Okay, there's a line in the constitution about the President being a natural born citizen, and we all know how the birthers, many of whom are also Tenthers who believe the States should ignore Federal laws, are sticklers for the letter of the law.
But what exactly are they saying? That even though someone was raised in America from (hypothetically) Day 2, they bring with them from the mother-land some genetic component that will spring Manchurian Candidate style into diabolical fruition? Even assuming the worst about President Obama, what exactly would be the grievous harm?
It seems the blithering stupidity of the birther movement is only surpassed by the sheer ridiculousness of their overwrought concerns.
Let's say it's all true. Barack Obama was born in Kenya and rushed to Hawaii as an infant, where he was raised by an American mother in American school. Okay, there's a line in the constitution about the President being a natural born citizen, and we all know how the birthers, many of whom are also Tenthers who believe the States should ignore Federal laws, are sticklers for the letter of the law.
But what exactly are they saying? That even though someone was raised in America from (hypothetically) Day 2, they bring with them from the mother-land some genetic component that will spring Manchurian Candidate style into diabolical fruition? Even assuming the worst about President Obama, what exactly would be the grievous harm?
It seems the blithering stupidity of the birther movement is only surpassed by the sheer ridiculousness of their overwrought concerns.
A Proud Day For America - Birther Edition
A self-promoting huckster with a sleazy television show and a history of bad business deals accuses the President of the United States of not being born in America, and the President is forced to respond with his long form birth certificate.
That Donald Trump is somehow guiding this discussion is perhaps one of the saddest and most despicable aspects of the entire story. A man whose own background is so checkered that his so-called "reputation" crumbles at a glance, he nevertheless manages to command the attention of the television networks and press establishment. What next? Bernie Madoff challenging Barack Obama's tax return?
The only saving grace of this entire grotesque (and soon to be forgotten) blip is that it's pushing poor Sarah Palin toward a much deserved "trivial pursuit question" status.
That Donald Trump is somehow guiding this discussion is perhaps one of the saddest and most despicable aspects of the entire story. A man whose own background is so checkered that his so-called "reputation" crumbles at a glance, he nevertheless manages to command the attention of the television networks and press establishment. What next? Bernie Madoff challenging Barack Obama's tax return?
The only saving grace of this entire grotesque (and soon to be forgotten) blip is that it's pushing poor Sarah Palin toward a much deserved "trivial pursuit question" status.
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Wild Wild West
Florida Rep. Allan West (RRR, for radical ridiculous Republican) accuses President Obama of being a "low level socialist agitator." Even if the President were guilty of this diabolical socialism (while the stock market soars), "low level?" Really? I mean, he IS in charge of the most powerful nation in the world...
They can't even give him props in their insults...
They can't even give him props in their insults...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
So 70% of tea-partiers polled are against the Ryan plan that decimates Medicare and Medicaid. And yet these are the same disgruntled yay-hoos who stapled tea-bags to their caps and imagined themselves revolutionary activists as they rolled their four-wheel "Rascals" into assorted town halls, screaming about socialism and "Obamacare" and Hitler.
The greatest trick the conservative movement has managed to pull off is convincing these sad, scared folks to vote against their own interests. Preying on the American idea of exceptionalism that presumes every one of us has the gumption and pluck to become gazillionaires. And wouldn't it be a bitch if, when we climb that glorious fiscal mountain, our maximum tax rate was a Draconian 39% as opposed to 35%.
Or even worse, that a poor family might get food stamps off the sweat of our fevered brows. The horror, the humanity...
I would actually feel sorry for these dupes, except their selfishness and self-righteousness makes it a little hard to summon up sympathy. That, and the fact that their ignorance has given us a House of Representatives as dysfunctional as the scattered neurons in the average tea-partier's brain...
The greatest trick the conservative movement has managed to pull off is convincing these sad, scared folks to vote against their own interests. Preying on the American idea of exceptionalism that presumes every one of us has the gumption and pluck to become gazillionaires. And wouldn't it be a bitch if, when we climb that glorious fiscal mountain, our maximum tax rate was a Draconian 39% as opposed to 35%.
Or even worse, that a poor family might get food stamps off the sweat of our fevered brows. The horror, the humanity...
I would actually feel sorry for these dupes, except their selfishness and self-righteousness makes it a little hard to summon up sympathy. That, and the fact that their ignorance has given us a House of Representatives as dysfunctional as the scattered neurons in the average tea-partier's brain...
Monday, April 18, 2011
What He Said... Krugman edition
See Perino below on Democratic "incivility." Now see Krugman on why that's a crock of shit.
Perino Projection
Former Bush something-or-other Dana Perino accuses the President of saying "crazy" and "offensive" things in his speech about the budget debate. The crazy and offensive comment she cites is that the President called the Republicans "anti-American." Which of course he never said. But if the right would like to self-apply "anti-Americanism" to themselves, go for it, guys!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
So the tragically misunderstood Republican budget hawks got their noses out of joint when President Obama actually took issue with their plan to destroy Medicare and give more tax breaks to the rich. As others have noted, what did the Rethuglicans (oops, don't cry boys!) expect? Hearty handshakes and congratulations? "Democrats are done, boys, we've seen the light. Go ahead and dismantle the social compact and pass the savings on to your biggest contributors."
But it's not the absurdity of their whining that rankles me the most. It's the on-going crybaby attitude adopted by the Repunklicans whenever someone dares question their policies or politicians. It's always "unfair", a slap in the face, a complete disregard for civility and social norms. This from the great thinkers who routinely send out racist e-mails and question Obama's citizenship. Who cry foul at the "liberal mainstream media" (which isn't liberal and is barely mainstream anymore) when bloated bigot Rush Limbaugh spews hours of lying bilge a day and Fox News is a 24 hour Orwellian nightmare. Who cling to the victim card like a drowning man grabbing a life preserver away from a child whenever anyone dares question one of their crazy to crazier positions...
The only ray of light in this otherwise endless orgy of right wing hypocrisy is that they're mostly too stupid to realize when they're going too far. Trapped like Brooks Brothers rats by their yahoo, "get your Government hands off my Medicare" tea-party brethren, Republican representatives don't stop with the bath-water, they're tossing out the baby, the tub, and three quarters of the furniture. And it's gonna come back to haunt them come 2012...
But it's not the absurdity of their whining that rankles me the most. It's the on-going crybaby attitude adopted by the Repunklicans whenever someone dares question their policies or politicians. It's always "unfair", a slap in the face, a complete disregard for civility and social norms. This from the great thinkers who routinely send out racist e-mails and question Obama's citizenship. Who cry foul at the "liberal mainstream media" (which isn't liberal and is barely mainstream anymore) when bloated bigot Rush Limbaugh spews hours of lying bilge a day and Fox News is a 24 hour Orwellian nightmare. Who cling to the victim card like a drowning man grabbing a life preserver away from a child whenever anyone dares question one of their crazy to crazier positions...
The only ray of light in this otherwise endless orgy of right wing hypocrisy is that they're mostly too stupid to realize when they're going too far. Trapped like Brooks Brothers rats by their yahoo, "get your Government hands off my Medicare" tea-party brethren, Republican representatives don't stop with the bath-water, they're tossing out the baby, the tub, and three quarters of the furniture. And it's gonna come back to haunt them come 2012...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Signs Of The Coming Apocaylpse: Trump Edition
He leads in the Republican Presidential polls by 9 points...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
More Compassion - Round Up!
Walking contradiction Donald Trump (the business genius who's declared bankruptcy repeatedly), who for some incredible reason is actually being taken seriously as a Republican Presidential candidate, reminds us that he's always had a "great relationship with the blacks."
Frighteningly stupid Rep. Paul Broun (R, Idiocracy) declares that FDR was actually a communist...
The Fox News website twists itself into a pretzel to connect the tragic suicide of a student at Geo. Washington University on Teusday to Obama's economic speech. (Hint: there's no connection.)
Finally --
Wait. Donald Trump is actually being taken seriously as a Presidential candidate?!
Frighteningly stupid Rep. Paul Broun (R, Idiocracy) declares that FDR was actually a communist...
The Fox News website twists itself into a pretzel to connect the tragic suicide of a student at Geo. Washington University on Teusday to Obama's economic speech. (Hint: there's no connection.)
Finally --
Wait. Donald Trump is actually being taken seriously as a Presidential candidate?!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
What You Can Get At Walgreens
I understand that lobotomies are also a big ticket item, and they sell especially well at the Walgreens nearest the Fox and Friends studios...
MUST BE ONE HECK OF A WALGREENS.... The budget fight, at least the current one, is just about over, but Fox News has a few more shots to take at Planned Parenthood and the White House as the dust settles.
On yesterday's episode of "Fox & Friends," viewers saw this exchange:
MUST BE ONE HECK OF A WALGREENS.... The budget fight, at least the current one, is just about over, but Fox News has a few more shots to take at Planned Parenthood and the White House as the dust settles.
On yesterday's episode of "Fox & Friends," viewers saw this exchange:
Steve Doocy: [President Obama] was talking about Planned Parenthood being this great provider where women can get blood pressure checks and pap smears and breast examinations...Seriously, that's what they said. There's video proof.
Brian Kilmeade: Which you can get at Walgreens.
Steve Doocy: Exactly right.
Blog Post Of The Week - From Balloon Juice
John Cole goes to town on the pundits thrilled down to their pajama bottoms over the Paul Ryan slash and burn tax plan. This is just a sample, re: how these wealthy, Washington-innoculated typewriter commandos can enthuse over lowering the tax rate on millionaires while simultaneously destroying the safety net for middle and lower income people without even the slightest hint of empathy...
3.) They are insulated- Everyone of the people cheerleading the Ryan/GOP plan has the very best medical coverage, and really has no stake in this. Considering they are pundits, and will probably have platinum until the day they die, and Medicare is kind of an afterthought. I know that they get all heated up when you point out that they simply have no stake in this game (except more tax cuts!), but we have a village class of Beltway pundits who really are insulated from what the rest of the country is going through. These issues are abstractions to them, and they are a horrifying reality to everyone else. That’s how you can talk about slashing trillions from other people’s health care coverage while giving out tax cuts to those who don’t need them and can babble about seriousness.
3.) They are insulated- Everyone of the people cheerleading the Ryan/GOP plan has the very best medical coverage, and really has no stake in this. Considering they are pundits, and will probably have platinum until the day they die, and Medicare is kind of an afterthought. I know that they get all heated up when you point out that they simply have no stake in this game (except more tax cuts!), but we have a village class of Beltway pundits who really are insulated from what the rest of the country is going through. These issues are abstractions to them, and they are a horrifying reality to everyone else. That’s how you can talk about slashing trillions from other people’s health care coverage while giving out tax cuts to those who don’t need them and can babble about seriousness.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Planned Parenthood = The Boogeyman
Since when did Planned Parenthood become a Republican punching bag? Preventative reproductive health care saves a bundle in medical expenses in the long run. And because of the (despicable) Hyde Amendment, not a dime of Federal money goes toward abortion. So this organization (and *gasp* NPR) become the linchpins over a possible Government shutdown? What exactly goes through the conservative brain when confronted with this topic?
Oops. I said "conservative" and "brain" in the same sentence.
Oops. I said "conservative" and "brain" in the same sentence.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wisconsin Hijinx
So a conservative, incumbent Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, considered a shoo-in just a few weeks ago, is (barely) beaten by his less conservative opponent. Is this because --
A): The conservative justice raised hackles when it was revealed he called another (female) member of the court "a bitch", then blamed her for forcing him to resort to that language?
B): The conservative justice aligned himself with new Governor (and incredible dickweed) Scott Walker, whose own popularity plummeted when he went into terminal GOP overreach against Wisconsin's public employees unions?
Or shall we go with freshly minted the Republican talking points:
Obvious voter fraud (per right wing weasel John Fund)?
And/or, the wrong people voted. Gov. Walker noted that many votes from the liberal justice came from the more liberal Madison area. His point being, I guess, that if the people in his State that he doesn't like hadn't voted, his guy would have won. To quote the Sundance Kid, "you just keep thinkin', Butch, that's what you're good at."
A): The conservative justice raised hackles when it was revealed he called another (female) member of the court "a bitch", then blamed her for forcing him to resort to that language?
B): The conservative justice aligned himself with new Governor (and incredible dickweed) Scott Walker, whose own popularity plummeted when he went into terminal GOP overreach against Wisconsin's public employees unions?
Or shall we go with freshly minted the Republican talking points:
Obvious voter fraud (per right wing weasel John Fund)?
And/or, the wrong people voted. Gov. Walker noted that many votes from the liberal justice came from the more liberal Madison area. His point being, I guess, that if the people in his State that he doesn't like hadn't voted, his guy would have won. To quote the Sundance Kid, "you just keep thinkin', Butch, that's what you're good at."
How do the Republican think-tankers create a budget that slashes taxes to the bone, cuts Government employment by hundreds of thousands, and yet reduces unemployment to 2.4 percent (!) and pays off the deficit? Why it's simple. Just make stuff up!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Today's Compassion
So what's going on in the world of the compassionate conservative? Well, just today, it appears that they are ready to shut down the Government rather than accept the "compromise" that the remarkably compliant (read "cowardly") Democrats offered, giving the Republicans everything they originally wanted. That went so well, the goalposts were moved out even further.
Meanwhile, Rep. Paul Ryan has unveiled a budget plan that would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the lower and middle class, and lower the tax rate on the wealthy to 25%. This welfare-for-the-rich boondoggle is being framed by the beltway punditcracy as "courageous."
I think we have reached a turning point in this nation, and not in a good way. Republicans understand that they will take a hit in the polls if the Government shuts down. The difference between now and 1995 is, they don't care. As in, they really don't care. The Republicans and their beltway friends all understand that regardless of public opinion, they will be taken care of by their billionaire masters. Meaning there is no longer any personal downside to wrecking the system.
So wreck it they will, this miserable coterie of rich, white, conservative men. And the sad, Fox addicted children who voted for them will be stunned when this disaster actually effects them.
Meanwhile, Rep. Paul Ryan has unveiled a budget plan that would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the lower and middle class, and lower the tax rate on the wealthy to 25%. This welfare-for-the-rich boondoggle is being framed by the beltway punditcracy as "courageous."
I think we have reached a turning point in this nation, and not in a good way. Republicans understand that they will take a hit in the polls if the Government shuts down. The difference between now and 1995 is, they don't care. As in, they really don't care. The Republicans and their beltway friends all understand that regardless of public opinion, they will be taken care of by their billionaire masters. Meaning there is no longer any personal downside to wrecking the system.
So wreck it they will, this miserable coterie of rich, white, conservative men. And the sad, Fox addicted children who voted for them will be stunned when this disaster actually effects them.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Look Out For Those Religious Atheists!
Yes, the arrival of the radical Islamist/secular atheist coalition should have all good Americans shaking in their boots, right after that capitalist/communist group takes over General Motors...
Newt Gingrich warned churchgoers on Monday that an unholy (semi-holy?) combination of Islamic theocrats and secular atheists could seize control of the United States within decades.
"I have two grandchildren -- Maggie is 11, Robert is 9," Gingrich said at a church in Texas, according to Politico. "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American."
Newt Gingrich warned churchgoers on Monday that an unholy (semi-holy?) combination of Islamic theocrats and secular atheists could seize control of the United States within decades.
"I have two grandchildren -- Maggie is 11, Robert is 9," Gingrich said at a church in Texas, according to Politico. "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American."
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Constitutional Revisionism
Bryan Fischer, a ridiculous person who spews his venom in the name of the "American Family Association", offers his assessment of the first amendment:
"The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary," Fischer wrote on his Renew America blog. He continued:
"The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary," Fischer wrote on his Renew America blog. He continued:
Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam. Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy. While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment.SOURCE:
On Strike? Your Kids Can Starve.
The latest salvo against working people and unions, from the folks bringing you the repeal of child labor laws. Re: legislation regarding the allocation of food stamps --
Much of the bill is based upon verifying that those who receive food stamps benefits are meeting the federal requirements for doing so. However, one section buried deep within the bill adds a startling new requirement. The bill, if passed, would actually cut off all food stamp benefits to any family where one adult member is engaging in a strike against an employer:
Much of the bill is based upon verifying that those who receive food stamps benefits are meeting the federal requirements for doing so. However, one section buried deep within the bill adds a startling new requirement. The bill, if passed, would actually cut off all food stamp benefits to any family where one adult member is engaging in a strike against an employer:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Business Complains, LaPage Listens!
Don't like history? Just get rid of it!
It's Diego Rivera Redux in Maine, as Governor Paul LePage is taking down a mural in the state Department of Labor building depicting the history of the labor movement and changing the names of conference rooms that he deems too pro-labor.
The 11-panel installation depicted such figures as Rosie the Riveter and FDR-era Labor Secretary Francis Perkins as well as events like a 1937 shoe mill strike and 1986 paper mill workers' strike. Several rooms are named after historic labor figures including Perkins and Cesar Chavez.
A spokesman for LePage told the Lewiston Sun Journal that business had complained about the piece and "The message from state agencies needs to be balanced." He added that the rooms could instead be named "after mountains, counties or something."
It's Diego Rivera Redux in Maine, as Governor Paul LePage is taking down a mural in the state Department of Labor building depicting the history of the labor movement and changing the names of conference rooms that he deems too pro-labor.
The 11-panel installation depicted such figures as Rosie the Riveter and FDR-era Labor Secretary Francis Perkins as well as events like a 1937 shoe mill strike and 1986 paper mill workers' strike. Several rooms are named after historic labor figures including Perkins and Cesar Chavez.
A spokesman for LePage told the Lewiston Sun Journal that business had complained about the piece and "The message from state agencies needs to be balanced." He added that the rooms could instead be named "after mountains, counties or something."
False Equivilancy, Much?
Georgia State Rep. Bobby Franklin's remark was first revealed by the liberal blog Georgia Politico.
"This is nothing but pure evil," Franklin said in response to the US assault on Libyan air defenses. "How would we like it if other countries launched attacks upon these United States because of our regime's war on the unborn? May the Lord have mercy on us!"
Georgia State Rep. Bobby Franklin's remark was first revealed by the liberal blog Georgia Politico.
"This is nothing but pure evil," Franklin said in response to the US assault on Libyan air defenses. "How would we like it if other countries launched attacks upon these United States because of our regime's war on the unborn? May the Lord have mercy on us!"
Big Thinkin' From Texas
Rep. Louie Gohmert, (Insane, TX), discusses some of the non-existent ramifications of the health care law.
GOHMERT: We take control of vending machines, of restaurants and of course big brother, your federal government will have every one of your personal medical records. Oh yea, we’re farming that out to a good loyal corporation, General Electric, that’s been very loyal to our President. And so, General Electric and the federal government will have access to everyone’s personal records and will be able to keep watch on people and make sure they’re doing what we think they should and will be able to tell who’s being a bully or who’s getting bullied. All of those federal issues that we’re hearing from the Democrats need to be ruled from Washington these days.
GOHMERT: We take control of vending machines, of restaurants and of course big brother, your federal government will have every one of your personal medical records. Oh yea, we’re farming that out to a good loyal corporation, General Electric, that’s been very loyal to our President. And so, General Electric and the federal government will have access to everyone’s personal records and will be able to keep watch on people and make sure they’re doing what we think they should and will be able to tell who’s being a bully or who’s getting bullied. All of those federal issues that we’re hearing from the Democrats need to be ruled from Washington these days.
Pot Meet Kettle, Herman Cain Edition
Herman Cain, former pizza magnate and now hopeless Presidential candidate, educates us on the Muslim faith:
CT:When speaking about your battle with cancer at the Milner church, at one point, you indicate that you were a little uncomfortable when you found out that your surgeon’s name was Abdallah, until you found out he was a Lebanese Christian. So what’s your perspective on the role of Muslims in American society?Thank goodness evangelical Christians also understand that it is not their role to convert the rest of us to their religion, either.
CAIN: The role of Muslims in American society is for them to be allowed to practice their religion freely, which is part of our First Amendment. The role of Muslims in America is not to convert the rest of us to the Muslim religion. That I resent. And so I push back and reject them trying to convert the rest of us. And based upon the little knowledge that I have of the Muslim religion, you know, they have an objective to convert all infidels or kill them.
Health Care Smealth Care
New polls are out claiming only 39% of Americans like the new health care law, while 59% disapprove. Ah HA, pounce the Republicans, proof this legislative scourge needs to be eradicated. Because obviously, trying to make sure Americans have adequate health care is a ridiculous abuse of power.
Except when you dig a little deeper, turns out 15% of those polls are against the health care plan because it doesn't go far enough. And even larger percentages approve of certain parts of the legislation, but not all.
I only hope I live long enough to enjoy the postmortem reports on this short burst of Republican/conservative madness. Anti gay rights, anti women's rights, anti-religious freedom (if the religion isn't Christian)... historians will be scratching their heads over this tragic electoral bump for many years to come...
Except when you dig a little deeper, turns out 15% of those polls are against the health care plan because it doesn't go far enough. And even larger percentages approve of certain parts of the legislation, but not all.
I only hope I live long enough to enjoy the postmortem reports on this short burst of Republican/conservative madness. Anti gay rights, anti women's rights, anti-religious freedom (if the religion isn't Christian)... historians will be scratching their heads over this tragic electoral bump for many years to come...
Friday, March 18, 2011
You Can Relax Now, Per Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter claims that, counter the evidence, radiation is actually good for us. *Whew*. That's a weight off for the folks in Japan and anyone in the line of the radiation plume emitting from the reactors!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Compassionate Conversative: She Deserved It Edition
Re: a "saggy pants" bill aimed at high school students, GOP Florida lawmaker Kathleen Passidomo — taking a page from Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s book — applauded the measure with an offensive justification:
There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gang raped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed up like a 21-year-old prostitute. And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students.The full story is at:
Limbaugh Compassionately Discusses The Japan Situation, 3/15/11
Rush Limbaugh discusses a Diane Sawyer news report from Japan with a listener:
RUSH: My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six months there. Oh, it's recycling, look, organized for -- these people are in the midst of earthquake devastation and the credit they're getting is for recycling and our caller Chris with a great question. The Japanese have done so much to save the planet. He's right. They've given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are still recycling their garbage, and yet Gaia levels them [laughs], just wipes them out. Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of radiation. What kind of payback is this? That is an excellent question. They invented the Prius. In fact, where Gaia blew up is right where they make all these electric cars. That's where the tsunami hit. All those brand new electric cars sitting there on the lot. I like the way this guy was thinking. It's like -- it's like Gaia hit the Prius in [inaudible]. It's like they were in the crosshairs, if we can use that word, it does. What is Gaia trying to tell us here? What is the mother of environmentalism trying to say with this hit? Great observation out there, Chris.
RUSH: My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six months there. Oh, it's recycling, look, organized for -- these people are in the midst of earthquake devastation and the credit they're getting is for recycling and our caller Chris with a great question. The Japanese have done so much to save the planet. He's right. They've given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are still recycling their garbage, and yet Gaia levels them [laughs], just wipes them out. Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of radiation. What kind of payback is this? That is an excellent question. They invented the Prius. In fact, where Gaia blew up is right where they make all these electric cars. That's where the tsunami hit. All those brand new electric cars sitting there on the lot. I like the way this guy was thinking. It's like -- it's like Gaia hit the Prius in [inaudible]. It's like they were in the crosshairs, if we can use that word, it does. What is Gaia trying to tell us here? What is the mother of environmentalism trying to say with this hit? Great observation out there, Chris.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Words of Wisdom 3-15-11 Edition
(On The Japanese Disaster)
“The human toll here looks to be much worse than the economic toll, and we can be grateful for that.” CNBC Financial Commentator Larry Kudlow, discussing the economic implications of the Japanese earthquake and its aftermath. (Kudlow later tweeted an apology.)
(On Immigration)
"It looks like to me if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works maybe we have found a [solution] to our illegal immigration problem." Kansas State Rep. Virgil Peck (R) suggested Monday that the best way to deal with the illegal immigration problem may be the same way the state might deal with the problem of "feral hogs" -- by shooting them from a helicopter. (Peck later said he was joking “Kansas style.”)
(On the Handicapped)
"The world population has gotten too big and the world is being inherited by too many defective people… I mean all the defective people, the drug addicts, mentally ill, the retarded -- all of them… I believe if we had a Siberia we should send them to this and they would all freeze and die and we will be rid of them." New Hampshire Representative Martin Harty (R) speaking to a constituent. Harty is a first term representative and 91 years old. (Harty resigned a few days later.)
(Just Kidding Around, Japanese Tsunami Edition)
From Haley Barbour press secretary Dan Turner’s daily e-mail: “Otis Redding posthumously received a gold record for his single, "(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay". (Not a big hit in Japan right now.)” (Turner resigned.)
(On Eating Their Own):
“On a good day, he’s a socialist. On a bad day, he’s a communist,” - Darcy Van Orden, a co-founder of Utah Rising, on Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor, US Ambassador to China, and now presidential candidate.
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